Bethany News & Updates
Feel free to bookmark this page and check back often for all the latest news and updates with Bethany Children’s Home.
Bethany is on BCTV!
Each month throughout 2023, we will be hosting a show on BCTV highlighting different topics pertaining to Bethany. Our first show is available to watch on Demand below. Enjoy our first episode,...
Boehringer Education Center & Archives is officially open
We are so proud to announce the opening of the Boehringer Education Center & Archives! On Saturday, Jan. 28, we held a ribbon-cutting and dedication of the new center, followed by a 160th...
Sad news – Jan. 3, 2023
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the tragic loss of Mr. Demerious Smith. Mr. Smith, an incredible member of the Bethany community, died in an unfortunate car accident Friday, Dec....
Bethany ushers in the holiday season
On Tuesday, Dec. 6, we held our Tree Lighting event. The weather changed our plans a bit, but we had a wonderful evening of fellowship inside Bausman Chapel. Carolers from First Baptist Church of...
Our deepest sympathies
It is with sympathy that we, Bethany Children’s Home, express our sincere condolences on the passing of Mr. Kevin Snyder, the 14th CEO of Bethany Children’s Home. Our thoughts and prayers are with...
Dedication of Campbell Legacy Field
We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for our Legacy Brick ribbon-cutting event on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who joined us! The bricks are displayed in the newly named Campbell Legacy...
Trees add fall beauty to Bethany campus
There are many beautiful trees on Bethany's 300+ acre campus, and their colors are brilliant in the autumn. Enjoy! ...
Youth Miguel S. unveils artwork at Cozy Cottage
A few months ago, Miguel S. in our transitional living residence program was commissioned by the Lehigh County CYS Board of Directors to create artwork to be displayed in their Cozy Cottage. The...
A glimpse into the art studio
Art instructor Michelle Kissinger hosted an Art Studio Open House for team members. We were able to get a glimpse into the projects youth have been working on for the past few months, and enjoy a...
Alumni enjoy Fightins game
Bethany alumni were joined by CEO Dr. Joe Birli and team members for a Reading Fightins game. They had a fun evening! We have a wonderful group of alumni who are very active here at Bethany. They...
Notice of Consumer Confidence Report certification
Please see below for the Consumer Confidence Report certification from the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water. Consumer Confidence Report
Dr. Birli speaks at State Capitol
Bethany CEO Dr. Joseph Birli, along with a Bethany youth, spoke at the Capitol in Harrisburg yesterday afternoon during an event to commemorate Child Welfare Service Providers Appreciation Week and...
Get In Contact With Us
Mailing Address
Bethany Children's Home
P.O. Box 93
Womelsdorf, PA 19567
EIN: 23-1365188
Contact Us
Phone: (610) 589-4501
Fax: (610) 589-5771
To make a referral to any of our group home programs, please email Bethany at bethanyreferral@
For employment inquiries, email
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