Educational Programming

Our Educational Programming team provides treatment services to individuals using a variety of leisure activities including art education, book clubs, sports, games, dance, challenge activities, and community outings.

The Bethany Educational Programming team
provides treatment through:

  • Individualized assessment
  • Appropriate leisure and social skills training
  • Team-building groups and team sports
  • Physical Fitness activities
  • Community outings
  • Art Education
  • Individual and group leadership training
  • Problem solving activities
  • Weekly individual sessions
  • Utilization of low ropes challenge course
  • Co-facilitation of groups with other disciplines

Contact Educational Programming Team Members at (610) 589-4501 ext. 896 for more information.

Special Events & Trips

The Programming department plans many campus events, incentive trips, and recreational experiences throughout the year. 

Our campus events include our Fall Fest and Easter Egg Hunt as well as others throughout the year, giving youth the opportunity to come together and participate in themed activities and games. 

Programming also provides youth with recreational trips throughout the year.  These trips can include movies, ice/roller skating, amusements parks, hiking and biking trips, museums, and nature centers.  These trips give youth the chance to explore the community and have new experiences while being supervised.

Incentive trips are unique quarterly trips that encourage our youth to meet goals in order to attend.  The incentive trips are designed to be a reward for maintaining good behavior, academic achievements, and making positive choices.  Our programming department has facilitated incentive trips to 76ers games, Flyers games, The Philadelphia Zoo, snow tubing, high ropes and zip line courses, Fancy Dinner and a Movie, and our annual trip to Ocean City, Maryland.



Summer Socials

The Programming Department plans special activities for weeknights during the summer.  Summer Socials have been a tradition that we have been proud to continue at Bethany for many years.  During Summer Socials, our campus comes to together for a themed activity and in some cases a themed meal as well. Some current favorites include Carnival Night, Viking Night and the Amazing Race. These activities provide our youth a chance to play games, win prizes, and interact as a community.

Many of our Summer Socials are sponsored by outside organizations that graciously help decorate, cook, serve food, and help facilitate the games.  If you or your organization would like to sponsor a Summer Social, please contact our Development department at 610-589-6828.

If you would like any more information about the Educational Programming department, please contact us at 610-589-4501 ext. 896.

Get In Contact With Us

Mailing Address

Bethany Children's Home
P.O. Box 93
Womelsdorf, PA 19567

EIN: 23-1365188

Contact Us

Phone: (610) 589-4501
Fax: (610) 589-5771
To make a referral to any of our group home programs, please email Bethany at bethanyreferral@
For employment inquiries, email

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